public class PowertoolsConstants
public enum Powertools
PowerDrill = 0, // Standard, corded drill
Chainsaw, // Everyone's favorite
CircularSaw // If the chainsaw is out of gas, use this
public static Powertools ConvertFromString(string s)
switch (s)
case "PowerDrill":
return Powertools.PowerDrill;
case "0":
return Powertools.PowerDrill;
case "Chainsaw":
return Powertools.Chainsaw;
case "1":
return Powertools.Chainsaw;
case "CircularSaw":
return Powertools.CircularSaw;
case "2":
return Powertools.CircularSaw;
throw new Exception("Unknown Powertool");
public static string ConvertFromPowertool(Powertools p)
switch (p)
case Powertools.Chainsaw:
return "Chainsaw";
case Powertools.CircularSaw:
return "CircularSaw";
case Powertools.PowerDrill:
return "PowerDrill";
return "Unknown";
Nothing too complex, but it can be cleaned up a bit. For starters, accessing the enum currently requires referencing the class:
PowertoolsConstants.Powertools tool =
If we move the enum declaration above the class we can remove the class reference:
Powertools tool = Powertools.Chainsaw;
Next is addressing the two methods in the class: ConvertFromString and ConvertFromPowertool. The purpose of these methods is to switch between our enumeration and a string representation of the enum, perhaps to store values in an xml file or database. As the .Net Framework already contains this functionality, the methods are not necessary and can be deleted.
To convert from an enum value to a string we can use Enum.GetName
string toolName = Enum.GetName(typeof(Powertools), tool);
To convert from a string to an enum value we can use Enum.Parse. Note that this will throw an ArgumentException if an invalid string is passed in.
tool = (Powertools)Enum.Parse(typeof(Powertools), toolName);
With the two methods removed, the class PowertoolsConstants is empty and can be deleted.
One final thing to look at are the comments beside the enum values. These appear to be usage notes. If a developer using the enum needs to know this information, he shouldn't have to open this code to get it. The way to correct this is to replace the existing comments with xml-style comments.
public enum Powertools
/// <summary>
/// Standard, corded drill
/// </summary>
PowerDrill = 0,
/// <summary>
/// Everyone's favorite
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// If the chainsaw is out of gas, use this
/// </summary>
Doing this will provide the developer with Intellisense hints as they code: