Monday, May 7, 2007

Continuous Integration = Consistently Compileable Code

*Note: This is a continuation of my previous post

"Now that we have basic SS usage defined, where does CC.Net fit into the picture?" Simple - it's what makes sure the code is in a usable state at all times.

Let's say you've finished creating the xml logger and checked everything in. But say you forget to check in one file. Everything builds on your machine, so you don't see the problem. You're pulled from the project and another dev comes in later to continue. Only, when he gets latest and attempts a compile, he receives a number of build errors. Now he wastes time tracking down the cause of the problem - a missing or outdated file - and who might have that file. Maybe you have the file, and he's wasted fifteen minutes. But say you no longer have that file. Now your colleague wasted that time, only to find out someone will have to recreate the work.

Say instead you are working on code at the same time as another dev. His job is to create the data and business layers, while you focus on the front end. Somewhere during development, your colleague decides to modify a few method signatures. Methods that you happen to be using. And your colleague fails to warn you. At some point you'll get latest, only to find that you can no longer compile your code. It's likely that both of you must stop what you are working on and get the build back into a good state. If there are only two of you, it might take twenty minutes. As the number of devs on a project increases, the time required to restabilize the code likewise increases.

I previously worked on a project that had over a dozen developers. Due somewhat to poor architecture, a break anywhere caused problems for the entire team. The choices were to get latest and spend the morning stabilizing the build, or using outdated code, which meant integration later became even more difficult.

Fortunately, these problems are easy to address using CruiseControl.Net. Its job is to monitor the source code repository for any changes. As soon as a change is made, CC.Net gets latest and rebuilds the code. If the compile fails, everyone on the team is immediately (within a few minutes anyway) notified of the failure. The dev who checked in the broken code can address the problem, and other team members know not to get latest for the moment.

Regarding a broken build - if you aren't working on a fix, stay away from the repository. Getting latest means the code on your box will no longer compile. Checking in code may make things worse. It's best to fix one build break before possibly introducing another.

One more thing - if you break the build, fixing it should be your top priority. If you check in code at the end of the day, hang around to verify the build is still good. If you're in a hurry and can't wait for the build, don't check in the code. You're more likely to forget something in your haste, increasing the odds of a break.

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