Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Everyone should be good at something

Anyone who's worked with me in recent years knows how much I love deleting code. It could be removing something that's obsolete or refactoring to reduce duplication. Or maybe the requirements change mid-project. Needless to say, some question whether my SLOC (source lines of code) output is positive or negative.

Regardless, I stumbled upon a shortcut in VisualStudio (Shift + Del) that deletes the entire line where the cursor is located. No more selecting the whole line and then pressing Delete. I've become a code-deletion ninja!


  1. I say negative. Especially now that you can be more efficient in your deletions. :)

    Thanks for the tip.

  2. Sweet! My new workflow steps.

    1) Open cpde file...
    2) perform a Blame or Annotate (in TFS)...
    3) foreach line where user == PGoins...
    4) press SHIFT+DEL... proceed to next line

    Mission accomplished. Peter would be proud. =P

  3. But if I spend all my time deleting code, would you ever see entries in TFS for added lines?


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